So this is my art journey, in about 80% of its entirity. The rest of it is on scribbly indecipherable sketches in three 80 pound crates. The following is a fine example of the slowness of progress when one is motivated by their ego to ignore critiques, and value quantity over quality. I firmly believe, had i gone through this regimen, it would have shaved at least 3 years off the time it took me to get to my skill level in 2019 0. (Dorien Itens guide to accuracy) its free, just put in 0$ on gumroad. 1. Complete all assignments on, getting critiques on my work. 2. Complete proko's premium: figure, then portrait, then entire anatomy course. get critiques on the work 3. do about 6 months online of watts atelier doing drawing phases 1-4 of portrait, fundamentals, and figure. 4. Complete all assignments and video lectures by Steve Huston, Glen Vilppu, and Karl Gnass on New Masters Academy. 5. If one can stomach it, do all these things again or as much as they need to. 6. Study the following books in their entirity: Micheal Hampton Figure drawing Design and invention Figure drawing for all its worth by Loomis Drawing the head and hands by Loomis Force by Micheal Mattessi How to Draw by Scott Robertson Hogarthe, bridgeman, vanderpoel, whichever appeals to you most. Steve Huston Figure Drawing For Painting and everything else: 1. Read Creative Illustration by Anrew loomis 2. Take Watts Atelier painting lessons, and do it with real brushes and paints. 3. read Color and light by James Gurney 4. Spend more time drawing than painting, id say an 80/20 ratio (If you look through my folders, i painted 80% of the time and it cost me big time) 5. thumbnails with written notes of what you are observing in the composition will help more than copying the picture as far as composition. 6. Watch Critique streams and posts, like Dave Rapoza's Critters, Prokos, the endless critiques on schoolism. 7. Robert Watts, Nathan Fowkes, Craig Mullins on Schoolism. 8. Any book by Juliette Astrides, classical lessons in drawing. How to Learn how to draw. 1. Recieve instruction (look at a drawing and analyze it.) 2. Take written notes of the instruction. (how do things in a drawing look or fit together, write it, dont draw it yet) 3. Try to replicate the instruction without looking or having guidance. 4. Check your work with the instruction. 5. If you cant draw it from memory perfectly, you dont really know it do you? 6. Remember to post your work and if people who know what they are doing are complimenting you, youre doing something right. How the eye works: The better you get, the worse everything else looks. Find artists who are better than you to critique your work. When you pass them, find better artists to critique your work and so on. You will hit plateus, where you think youre better than you are. Your eye will catchup and ground you. If a non artist complains about something in your work, they very well could be correct, no matter their age. So much of art is just quality, if youre not getting asked constantly for commissions, youre probably not as good as you think you are. Good art will network itself. If you need attention, do fanart.